About me
I use silks, light fabrics and a variety of wools, especially Merino, to create unique scarves and shawls, hangings, pictures and some soft furnishings. I am particularly interested in the nuno felting technique. You can never completely dictate or predict what the wool or fabric will do and this makes the process of creating exciting and often surprising, and the finished product is always unusual and completely unique. I use dyeing and melting technique that create fascinating finished results.
Should you wish to purchase any of the items on this site please contact me via email on the address above, quoting the number beneath. Items are also available on my Etsy site. You will find the link at the top of the page.
SCS1 Hand painted silk chiffon scarf
Silk chiffon and beautiful Merino wool scarves with contrasting sides £35
Nuno felted merino wool scarf with eri fibres and sari silks
Nuno felted silk
Silk chiffon Hand painted scarf